Thursday, January 22, 2015

Operation Stop Untagging Because Of My Arm Size In Every Facebook Pic: Day Two

Hello lovelies!

Before we get started I wanted to post a couple things in regards to the blog:

1) First and foremost, thank you for all the support!  I wasn't expecting nearly as much traffic as I got, so it was a very welcome and awesome surprise!

Love You Swift animated GIF

2) I didn't realize I had commenting disabled, so I fixed that. Please feel free to comment on the blog now with any questions/compliments/backtalk.

3) I also now have an email alert function for when new entries are up! Enter your email at the top of the page and get notified whenever there is a new post.

Ok technicals over. On to day two!

Gotta say I felt pretty good all day - woke up feeling refreshed and just as judgmental as ever. I walked past a woman sitting on the subway bench eating a donut and instead of being jealous or maybe just not thinking anything at all, my mind actually said to itself, and I quote: "Poor girl is gonna have a sugar crash in 20 minutes."  Then I hopped on my high horse and rode it straight to work. Not really sure who I think I am, but I am enjoying this new found entitlement very much.

mean girls animated GIF

I also have already noticed an improvement in my sleep. This could be because I'm not having that late night bar piece of chocolate or bottle glass of wine and spiking my sugar, or maybe just the detox of carbs and additives is making me tired, but either way it's a welcome change. Between my snoring boyfriend and snoring dog and cat that likes to jump on me when I'm least expecting it, I usually have some trouble falling asleep. But last night it felt like I was out within 5 minutes which hasn't happened in months! And to boot I had a dream I was friends with J-Lo so it was pretty much the best sleep ever.

American Idol animated GIF

Now let's talk about the food!

Baked Eggs and Prosciutto Cups.  I had some leftover prosciutto from last night's Prosciutto Wrapped Chicken Thighs, so I thought I would give this a whirl. I didn't have leeks so I kept it really simple by just putting half a slice of prosciutto (I am going to LOSE IT if I have to type that word one more time) in each muffin tin with an egg on top and baked at 375 for 20 minutes.
Hard to say. One positive is that it kept me really full until about 1:30pm which is great! Normally I'm foaming at the mouth by noon. But I made 3, not a whole muffin tin, so I think I should have baked it for a little less time since the egg was solid and I hate that. Also, I had run out of salt so I didn't really have any seasoning on it. Basically I failed and I'm not even sure why I'm telling you about this. I will make it again this weekend and let you know how it goes then, but for now lets move on from this disaster, and I apologize for wasting your time.

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Leftover Chicken Soup! And since the plus from my meh breakfast was that it kept me full for so long, I didn't eat the soup until later so I was fine until dinner. No hangriness here!
You know this!

Baked Burger
Recipe: Very simple, I just cut up some red onion and mixed it with ground beef, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Then formed it into patties and baked on a wire rack over a cookie sheet at 400 degrees for about 5 minutes, flipped and baked another 8-10 minutes. Then I smeared on some guacamole, tomato, and even more red onion to eat between to lettuce leaves. So good!
Creamy Brussels Sprouts and Bacon Salad.  I left out the hazlenuts and used chili powder instead of chipotle, but otherwise followed exactly.

Umm, you guys need to make that brussels sprouts salad IMMEDIATELY. It was like...coleslaw and a BLT had an super powered delectable baby. I did have to make my own mayonnaise for it, but don't let that stop you - it was crazy easy and fast! I used this recipe with avocado oil and it took under 2 minutes. Just don't expect it to be exactly like store-bought mayo - you won't want to eat it alone with a spoon (not that anyone does that, do they?!), but as the base for dressings it's perfect! The burger was pretty standard but good enough and I ended up just eating it with a fork and not missing a bun at all.

And that was it for day 2! Thanks for reading, check back in tomorrow!

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