Thursday, January 29, 2015

Operation Not Have An Anxiety Attack Because You Have To Give Your Weight To The Ski Rental Employee: Day Nine

I can't believe it's already Day 9! This is probably the longest I have gone without chocolate in my entire life.
Black Boo animated GIF

But want to know something cool about not eating chocolate and sticking to a diet that everyone and their mother knows about? Besides the obvious health benefits, you also become the most popular girl in your office! I used to be popular when I was single because dating stories are crowd pleasers, but ever since I've been in a solid relationship my entertainment stock has plummeted. Not anymore though - thanks to Whole30 I'm back on the map! I am literally the topic of conversation everywhere I turn, and if you just give me a few more days I bet I can get a rumor or two started about me.
mean girls animated GIF
I also heard she eats bacon every day.
Seriously, after the news of my 6 lb weight loss made it's way to Julie the office gossip, people all of a sudden started stopping me as I walked down the hall to congratulate me, shouting "Hey Skinny!" every time they saw me, and just generally making me the Homecoming Queen of the cubicles. It has been f-ing awesome.
mean girls animated GIF
Replace those dudes with women aged 30-60 and
that's pretty much my workday. 
But if I have learned anything over the years, it's that this kind of Office Fame is finite, and cannot live on forever. So I am going to enjoy this as much as I can for now, until I get actually skinny and all those bitches turn on me.

Until then, here's what I ate!

Guess :)
smile animated GIF
Bacon and eggs you sexy duo, you.
Leftover Polpette alla Fiorentina.
arrested development animated GIF

I had my first real snack on Whole30! The program frowns upon snacking so I tried to avoid it, but yesterday there were so many cookies and cakes and bagels and brownies around my work (for real, I didn't make any of that up, that's what I'm dealing with here every day) that I needed to kill my 3pm hunger with something better than tea. So I went to the convenient store downstairs and got a bag of raisins and cashews. The sweetness of the raisins definitely helped to hold me over and stop my hand from involuntarily grabbing a cookie and shoving it into my mouth, so I'd say it was a success.
I mean... it's raisins and cashews. How delicious could it really be.

Soy Glazed Roast Chicken (with coconut aminos for soy sauce, and I left out the brown sugar)
Cauliflower Mash
Roasted Broccoli

The cauliflower and roasted broccoli were perfect, but the chicken was not my favorite. It had potential and I would try it again, but with some major tweaks. First of all, either marinading the chicken for a couple hours and/or making the sauce significantly thicker would help. As the recipe had it, the sauce was too thin to really influence the taste as much as I would have liked. Also, I would use only one shallot and more garlic, with some green onions added, and maybe some crushed red pepper too. Basically this recipe needs a complete update. So...

I promise to try this again within the next 20 days and will see if my newfound cooking skills can help liven this chicken up! Probably not, but lets find out the hard way.

Well that's it for today! Thanks for reading and make sure to check in tomorrow for the Day 10 update!

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